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Trust in Business

After a spate of recent scandals, public trust in business is arguably at an all-time low. But the disruptive economy and shifting societal attitudes offer hope for the business community to win back trust, as IoD director general Simon Walker and 10 leaders discussed on 21st January 2016

Trust in business: the panel

Host: Simon Walker, Director general, IoD

Alison Kay Global vice chair, industries, EY

Mark Goyder, Founder director, Tomorrow’s Company

Ronan Dunne, Chief executive officer,Telefónica UK

Heather Jackson, Executive chair/founder, An Inspirational Journey

Michaela Goetz, Director, brand marketing, Intel

Lucy Carver, Bigger Picture, Sky

Geraldine Huse, VP general manager, customer business development, Procter & Gamble

Dr Ines Wichert, Head of D&I Centre of Excellence, IBM Smarter Workforce

For the full written interview, click here

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