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In the news this week October 29th 2018

Dear Readers, Here are a few articles published in the last few days (W/C October 29th 2018) that address issues - tech, AI, sustainability, investment, leadership, corporate governance and modern slavery - that Tomorrow's Company thinks business should seek to fully engage with if it is truly to become a force for good in society. Yours, The TC team

  1. The enduring wisdom of the crowd - the masses are the real drivers of innovation

  2. 'Your Data is Your Life' - a video from the City of London describing the purpose of GDPR

  3. Philips is looks to artificial intelligence to train its workforce

  4. A student start-up in Derby aims to tackle plastic pollution

  5. 'Demystifying Open Banking' - a video from the City of London describing how customers are being given greater control over their data and, hence, their money

  6. Finnish city Espoo trials artificial intelligence for community support

  7. UK chancellor frees up pension fund investment

  8. Successful leaders follow their moral compass, according to new research

  9. Tech giants may have to be broken up, says Tim Berners-Lee

  10. What is the function of fear in leadership?

  11. 'Overlong company reports must be brought up short'

  12. Three years on: how the Modern Slavery Act has reshaped best practice for sustainable business

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In the news this week October 15th 2018

Dear Readers, Here are a few articles published in the last few days that address issues - such as sustainability, recruitment, AI, tech and corporate governance - that Tomorrow's Company thinks busi

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