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In the news this week July 2nd 2018

Dear Readers, Here are a few news and feature articles we've noticed over the past week - all of which reflect issues that tomorrow's companies must seek to address if they are, truly, to be a force for good in society. Yours, The TC team

  1. Robots could solve the social care crisis – but at what price?

  2. Tesco and Carrefour alliance: a tough gig for suppliers? 'Small firms urged to think fondly of the chance to sell to a bigger customer should be sceptical'

  3. Really good article on Sarah Kessler's new book 'Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work'

  4. More on the gig economy here: 'Pay rising faster for top 1% of earners in richest countries, says OECD report'

  5. HBR article detailing how businesses, including Philips Healthcare, are benefiting from investment in the Circular Economy – thus enabling them to both expand their markets and reduce waste

  6. 'Is Bezos holding Seattle hostage? The cost of being Amazon's home.' The online retail behemoth is looking for a home for its 2nd HQ. But in its current home, critics say rising house prices and growing inequality have damaged the city

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