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Business seen as a force for good – rediscovering its human purposes

by Davina Patel The human purposes of business, shareholder responsibility and a stewardship code for business owners were the key themes of a TIGETalk, on Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy, given by Mark Goyder, the Founding Director of London-based think-tank Tomorrow’s Company. He was speaking in the London centre of Initiatives of Change on 24 April. Tomorrow’s Company has redefined the notion of corporate social responsibility since the 1990s. Its work on capital markets stimulated the emergence of the UN principles of Responsible Investment... Read the full article here

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In the news this week October 29th 2018

Dear Readers, Here are a few articles published in the last few days (W/C October 29th 2018) that address issues - tech, AI, sustainability, investment, leadership, corporate governance and modern sl

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