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Business & Finance Panel Media Event and Panel Debate

Today, 21st March 2016, Tomorrow's Company and the Churchill 21st Century Leadership Programme are organising a media event and panel debate for the 21st Century Leadership Programme Business and Finance report, kindly hosted by Linklaters. Harriet Green, now a global leader at IBM, Chris Hirst, Chief Executive of Havas Europe, Mark Goyder Founder and CEO of Tomorrow’s Company, Helen Brand CEO of ACCA with next generation leader Oliver Rees from tech start-up Decoded and Andrew Hill of the Financial Times will debate the major business & finance challenges of our time with and the key recommendations from Churchill 21st Century Leadership Programme - Business & Finance report. • Chair: Andrew Hill; Management Editor of the Financial Times. • Harriet Green; General Manager Watson Internet of Things, Commerce and Education, IBM. • Chris Hirst; Chief Executive Officer of Havas Europe. • Helen Brand; Chief Executive Officer of ACCA. • Mark Goyder; Founder and CEO of Tomorrow’s Company, a think-tank that inspires and enables business to be a force for good in society. • Oliver Rees; Innovation Product Lead at Decoded and Churchill Next Generation Leader. Churchill 21st Century Leadership Programme: Lord George Robertson, Chair of the Churchill 21st Century Leadership Programme: “Global leaders today face a complex web of problems and challenges including environmental change; war and terror; mass migration; disruptive new technologies; and less deferential populations. These, and more, are all explored in the papers that we have published.The Churchill 21st century leadership programme has two core aims: to identify and build a better understanding of the greatest challenges  acing the world today; and to equip future generations with the skills required for modern leadership. By such means we will, in Churchill’s words, ‘make this muddled world a better place'.” The Churchill 21st Century Leadership Programme Business & Finance report can be downloaded here. All 16 reports of the Leadership Programme are available on the Churchill Central Website:

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